Tom is also a professional teacher. Credits for educational journalism include The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph and Teachers Magazine. His company City Leaf offers training and consultancy services around urban agriculture. Tom has worked part time as a primary school teacher in inner city schools for more than a decade. He currently runs an award-winning 'plot to plate' project in Rhyl Primary School and still teaches regularly in the classroom. See the project blog for more details.
The national shortage of headteachers grows as fewer deputies want the stresses of the top job.
As a new school year starts, Tom Moggach, a teacher in an inner-city primary, is anxious about his classroom role.
From the government to the classroom, all agree that children should have a say. But who is really listening?
By combining videoconferencing with the power of whiteboards, Nottingham University is building a learning community that crosses borders
Interactive screens could revolutionise the way lessons are taught. but teachers need proper training, says Tom Moggach
Why are there so few male teachers in our primary schools, asks Tom Moggach